Bedroom Builder

Project type

Design tools
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Bedroom Builder allows the user to experience their custom dream room in 3D at full size.

Through the use of projection mapping, bedroom builder allows the customer to project their chosen BBB products into a room of life-sized, lightweight white boxes. The customer can rearrange the boxes and walls to fit their desired layout for their dorm.

Browse our products and drag your favorites right off the screen and watch them instantly drop into your room in front of you.
Moving into college dorms is a great opportunity for freshman students to explore their own personal taste and style as they move into a new stage of their life.

Creating a welcoming space to come home to every day is key to a positive college experience, especially for students leaving home for the first time.

Online 3D room creators are great, but what if we could see and interact with the space in real life? Showrooms let us interact with the objects, but the design doesn’t always fit our personal style.
Rearrange Blank Room
Lightweight life-sized boxes allow you to step into your room and move the walls and boxes around to fit your dorm and lifestyle needs.
Browse and rearrange items
Browse the BBB catalogue and swipe up on your chosen products to see them drop into the room in front of you.
See products in the space
Chosen products are projection mapped onto white boxes creating a custom immersive life-sized showroom.
Buy now or create checklist
When you are happy with your room, either buy now to purchase or create a custom checklist of your items.
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